The Bomb Everyone Saw Fused
I invite you to think carefully about what message his countenance suggests. Anger, defiance, irritation—I see desperation. I see it as the bomb everyone saw fused.
Read more "The Bomb Everyone Saw Fused"I invite you to think carefully about what message his countenance suggests. Anger, defiance, irritation—I see desperation. I see it as the bomb everyone saw fused.
Read more "The Bomb Everyone Saw Fused"As Trump knows, it’s never too early to start campaigning. With Iowa around the corner, here’s more fuel for the Trump fire.
Read more "If I Were A Republican Strategist"Trump’s whispers are heard in the atmosphere, hovering over the populace like clouds that threaten destructive floods to come. Someone reports seeing a blue bird, which has by now become the omen that foretells an inauspicious day. Another blue bird is reported, then another. The people have learned to let the flying beasts come, lest […]
Read more "The Ballad of Trump and McConnell"Brett Kavanaugh will serve as the bellwether that will make clear how much corruption the majority party is willing to exhibit in front of the American people. Having already corrupted the Executive branch with Donald Trump’s nomination—himself a serial propagator of sexual assault—the Republican leadership now seeks to damage the authority and legitimacy of this […]
Read more "Why I Like Brett Kavanaugh"